- The recordings are available to watch Right Now -
Get your 2023 Speech, Language and Communication Summit Recordings

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  • Best Value
    Silver Package: Recordings Only £37.50 (+VAT in UK = £45)£37.50
  • Best Value
    Gold Package: Recordings & Transcripts £62.50 (+VAT in UK=£75)£62.50
  • Best Value
    Platinum: Recordings, Transcripts & Certificate £75 (+VAT in UK=£90)£75.00

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Silver Package price is £37.50 (approx $47 USD, $71 AUD)

Gold Package price is £62.50 (approx $78 USD, $118 AUD)

Platinum Package price is £75 (approx $93 USD, $141  AUD)

(20% VAT added for UK residents)

"Your Early Years Summit has been excellent!! I have thoroughly enjoyed every interview I've been able to watch! Your speakers are very knowledgeable and engaging. One thing I particularly enjoy is the length of the interviews. They are just long enough! Thank you very much for creating and providing such a valuable resource!"

Xan Morse
Education Manager

"Just wanted to say a big thank you for the recent summit. It is sometimes difficult to get to all and appreciate the opportunity to download.
What a wonderful reflection the summit was to remind myself the importance of emotions and understanding feelings. Many ideas to remember and put into place with the wonderful kindy children I love being around each and every day. Thank you again!"

Melissa Calkin
2023 Speech, Language and Communication Summit Recordings

Lifetime access to the recordings of all the 2023 Speech, Language and Communication Summit Interviews. 

Unique interviews with Sally Haughey, Alistair Bryce-Clegg, Prof Sam Wass, Dr Lucretia Berry & Dr Tehlia Glass, Molly Potter, Heeral Davda, Dr Amanda Gummer, Dr Claire Warden and many more (24 in total).

23 topics – 15 hours of CPD, including: Oral Language Skills, Neuroscience of Language Development. Deafness ,Language of Emotions, Makaton

Exclusive summit guide with interview summaries.

Download the recordings to your computer to watch/listen at any time.

Video and Audio versions of the recordings.

Free lifetime membership of the Early Years Advocates community on Facebook.

Gold Package also includes fully proofed Transcripts of all the Speech, Language and Communication Summit Interviews in PDF format - in English and Spanish.

Platinum Package includes Transcripts plus a Summit Certificate to prove your participation in the Speech, Language and Communication Summit for CPD (you'll need to correctly answer 80% of the questions on the Summit Quiz to get your certificate).

Online note-taking feature. Take notes on each interview online as you watch and download or print later.

  • Total payment
  • 1x2023 Speech, Language and Communication Summit Recordings£0

All prices in GBP

"I can't thank you enough for the interviews you are filming with these prominent professionals. It is a joy to hear them talk about quality interaction and relationships. The content is so useful to help support staff with children."

Carmen Powell
Early Years Advisor

"Not quite all the way through yet, but absolutely brilliant! Got something from everyone so far...very useful, thank you so much. Have bought the recordings, great for training staff."

Kim Benham
Early Years Professional & Pre-School Manager
